A note before we begin: OutputGaming are sponsoring hosting for this tournament, however it is not being directly run or organised under the OutputGaming banner. Our Team Member Ferzhuzad will be handling the tournament and all queries should be sent to him via discord – Ferzhuzad#8956
I am organizing a Warlords 10v10 Team/Clan tournament which will commence in January, and you are invited!

Things you should know:
- You will need a team of 10 players. I would suggest having a reserve on your team as well.
- The ladder will be hosted on outputgaming.org servers, as such any players who are banned from the OGOC servers will be unable to compete.
- To have your team added to the tournament, you will need to contact Ferzhuzad#8956 on Discord. Be ready to supply a team name (nothing offensive!) and an optional logo/website.
- Server is running Infistar Anti-Cheat to ensure all players are above board.
- If you are unable to field 10 players, come talk to me (Ferzhuzad) on TeamSpeak or Discord so I can get you into a group.
You should familiarize yourself with Warlords and the map we will be using. See https://www.outputgaming.org/2019/12/07/arma-3-warlords/ for a quick overview.
Go to http://www.ferzhuzad.com/warlords-10v10-ladder/ for details, rules, scores and updates.